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Названия трасс и новые детали Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Недавно Стив Лайсетт  раскрыл несколько деталей о Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

О трассе по игре Shinobi:

Shinobi track is called ‘Seasonal Shrines’.. You start in Spring, lap 2 is Summer, lap 3 is Autumn. It’s really cool for that alone, though it’s a great technical track. The driving feel is very OutRun (in fact the whole track feels very OutRun!). Well except for the boats. Tons of route splits too.

О трассах по играм House of the DeadBilly Hatcher and the Giant Egg  и Sonic & Knuckles:


Where says there is a House of the Dead track? I mean I’ve seen an arena in the video, but no official confirmation of a track…
I’d love to have a *cough* Graveyard Gig *cough* some day
Billy Hatcher track is called Chilly Castle, Sky Sanctuary is Sanctuary Falls.
Основываясь на этой информации список трасс сейчас выглядит так:
After Burner – Carrier Zone
OutRun – OutRun Bay
Sonic & Knuckles –  Sanctuary Falls
Sonic & Knuckles - Death Egg (из Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing)
Golden Axe – Adder’s Lair
Shinobi – Seasonal Shrines
Panzer Dragoon – Dragon Canyon
NiGHTS into Dreams – Dream Valley
The House of the Dead – Graveyard Gig
Skies of Arcadia – Rouges Landing
Samba de Amigo – Samba Studio
Samba de Amigo – Sunshine Tour  (из Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing)
Jet Set Radio – Graffiti City
Sonic Heroes – Ocean View
Sonic Heroes – Roulette Road (из Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing)
Billy Hatcher – Chilly Castle 
Jet Set Radio Future – Shibuya Downtown (из Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing)
Super Monkey Ball – Temple Trouble
Sonic Colors – Galactic Parade

3 комментария

  • О да!
  • 15 октября 2012 г. 4:13
не плохо.
  • Black
  • 16 октября 2012 г. 1:13
Блин игра будет очень крутой!Настоящий подарок фанам,прям как год назад генерейшнс.Вот тока на пс не скоро-огорчает!